“Heaven is bursting forth on the other side of everything around us!”


Inspired by one of the AES lectures, this series is an illustration of the transcendent potential, buzzing, and creativity that dwells on the kingdom side of each living thing. The more we recognize that in one another, darkness increasingly looks out of place here on this side of reality. The fullness of God is right at our fingertips! Much like Spring bursts forth out of the ground, so does God’s eternal goodness thrive in each of these beloved ones.

All 5 pieces were done in acrylic paint on canvas.

All 5 pieces were done in acrylic paint on canvas.



Caitlin was born and raised in San Francisco. From a very young age she would spend the first minutes of the morning drawing with her black pens and stacks of white paper. That love of creating beautiful things grew and evolved and since then she graduated with a BFA in Illustration from California College of the Arts and worked in both corporate and small business design.

Her passion in life and vision for her art is to communicate thoughtfully, embolden the seemingly mundane, persistently reveal the light, and inspire joy. You can often find Caitlin taking unreasonably long strolls, exuding belly laughs, and drinking yet another coffee.

See more of Caitlin’s work at www.caitlinng.com


Hannah Siu


Clémence Bonin