It does not matter whether a season is easy or difficult, in every season there is something to be learned if you are willing to be still and listen. I have come to a point in my life when I have seen the beauty in hardship, and God has been holding my hand during the entire journey of walking through a Winter season.

This collection of artwork was inspired by the beautiful truths and my own defining moments that I have learned along the way. Each piece was created hoping to encourage other hearts as well, because no matter how much your circumstances change, God is good and He is constant through the ages. 


More than an Olive Tree

Watercolor, 11”x9”

The image for this watercolor artwork is a representation of one of the most beloved and sacred trees, the olive tree. Throughout the Bible, this tree is used many times as a symbol or word of expression to convey a point. For example, in Psalm 52 the psalmist writes, “But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.” As one discovers the historical context, you find that the olive tree was one of the most valuable trees in ancient Hebrew culture. It was seen as a symbol of peace, reconciliation, beauty, and abundance. Are not these things a literal description of God’s character and His heart for us? God is a God of peace; He has a heart for reconciliation with us. God is magnificent in His beauty. God is full of abundance in the love He gives us. This olive tree holds more significance than what you may have thought. 


Acrylic, 11”x11”

An acrylic artwork based upon a personal reflection of what it looks like to flourish, or to bloom. Those two words in of themselves express positive and hopeful feelings one may aspire towards.  I see “hope” as the transformation of a seed that grows to flourish. I once heard someone compare hope to flourishing. This image became stuck in my mind and God used it to speak many beautiful things. When you have a seed packet, you see the picture of what it will become on the outside. But when you pull out the seed, it looks nothing like the picture. That is because it needs to be placed in the dirt to grow roots and push through the dirt to eventually bear the fruit of the seed. With the proper care and nutrients, the seed develops into what you hoped for.  It is something that develops over time and multiplies into its full realization of beauty.  As Jesus said in John 16, don’t lose heart but take heart because He has already overcome the world! That is what we know and can choose to put our hope in! 



Watercolor, 9”x11”

In this watercolor artwork, my choice of solely using a grayscale palette was intended to not distract away from the difference between the depth of the mountains and the boat in the water. The contrast in color and size of the objects in the artwork brings out the details in the foreground, while not pulling away one’s attention from the misty mountains in the background. I wanted to place the viewer inside the boat and imagine taking a step back to see the reality of what it looks or feels like to be fully surrounded. I wanted to convey a sense of peace and protection in this piece. It may seem like we are surrounded, but God promises He is the One who surrounds us on every side to support and stand our guard for us now and forever. And this is how we fight our battles. 

“Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord’s wrap-around presence surrounds his people, protecting them now and ever.”

Psalm 125:2 TPT



Based in California, Hannah loves working with and exploring almost every medium, but her most common art mediums include graphite, ink, acrylic, and watercolor. Much of her inspiration derives from the elements of nature and scripture. She enjoys sharing her work in hoping it would encourage others and express the love of God through her work. Her heart in doing art is to use it as a connecting point between God and herself as well as herself and others. During the time of attending the Art Evangelism School with Youth with a Mission, she learned how to display God’s love to the nations in an artistic way. Currently, she attends her local community college and during her free time, she continues to pursue her passion for art.

See more of Hannah’s art


Rediet Serrano


Caitlin Ng