Chapter Two: A Father’s Sacrifice

Mr. Amanallah Ayesh has the heart of a father. Despite the hardship his family has endured living under occupation from the Israeli government, his children are his proudest accomplishment. Mr. Amanallah Ayesh’s courage and compassion has made him an honored leader in the Palestinian community.

Listen to his story of bravery when faced with Israeli soldiers.

When speaking to the Israeli soldier, Mr. Amanallah Ayesh says, “We are Palestinians, and we did nothing wrong against you, it was the Germans that did that [Holocaust] against you, we are against killing anyways.”

The front gate of Wi'am: The Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center is located at the Israeli and Palestine wall near the UNRWA Aida Camp. They serve as a grassroots organization helping to resolve disputes within the Palestinian community by implementing the traditional Arab form of mediation, known as Sulha, along with Western models of conflict transformation and provide programs for the community.


Mr. Amanallah Ayesh stands in front of his garden at his home in Bethlehem, Palestine.

Place yourself in Mr. Amanallah Ayesh’s shoes. If your family and your community were in danger, would you have the courage to risk your life to protect them?


Chapter One: Forced to Leave Home


Chapter Three: “They Made Us Feel No Dignity”