Chapter Three: “They Made Us Feel No Dignity”

Mariam Ayesh, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ayesh, has dedicated her life to pursuing freedom for her people. Having experienced dehumanization firsthand, much of her work focuses on uplifting Palestinian women. There are over 700 road obstacles including 140 military enforced checkpoints in Palestine. Only Palestinians with Israeli work permits can cross over during their daily commutes.

Listen to Mariam’s encounter with Israeli soldiers as she passed through an Israeli checkpoint.

Mariam and her sisters, mother, and father greet each other in the living room of their home in Bethlehem, Palestine.

“They [Israeli soldiers] are treating us with no dignity, no values, it’s better to die” 

Artists depict pictures of resilience along the separation wall dividing Palestine from Israel seen in Bethlehem near the UNRWA Aida Refugee Camp.

Have you ever felt completely humiliated or stripped of your dignity?

Can you relate to Mariam’s feelings?


Chapter Two: A Father’s Sacrifice


Chapter Four: Annexation