About the Artists

(left to right) Selfies of Emma, Mrs. Mariam, Mr. Amanallah, Christina, daughter Mariam, taken at the Ayesh family home in Bethlehem, Palestine. 

(left to right) Selfies of Emma, Mrs. Mariam, Mr. Amanallah, Christina, daughter Mariam, taken at the Ayesh family home in Bethlehem, Palestine. 


These two sisters in Christ met in Italy and bonded through their love for Jesus, justice, and storytelling.

In December 2018, Emma and Christina decided to journey together to the Holy Lands to retrace the footsteps of Jesus Christ and listen to the land. Little did they know that they would be drawn into the story of trauma, land, and the resilience of Palestinians suffering under occupation.



Emma Marie Chiang is a faith-centered visual storyteller based in San Francisco, California, USA. Emma believes storytelling has the power to change hearts, minds, and unite people together. She has published documentaries and short films focused on the history, lives of immigrant residents, and cultural preservation of San Francisco’s Chinatown. She is also a full-time graduate student earning a Ph.D. in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in hopes to integrate her disciplines as an artistic storyteller and medical practitioner in a way that honors her Chinese ancestry and culture by giving all people equal access to holistic healing.

IG: @echiangphoto



Christina is a soap-making seminarian based in Bakersfield, California, USA. She has a heart for racial justice and a love for preaching and writing. After graduating from UCLA, Christina served as a Reconciliation Specialist for InterVarsity Christian fellowship, raising up students of color to thrive as kingdom leaders. Her soap and skincare business, Bloomwell Essentials, gives a portion of every sale towards hunger relief. Christina is currently pursuing her Masters of Divinity, with the hopes of opening doors for women of color clergy and disciplining the western church in the ministry of justice and liberation.

IG: @chrissieq


Chapter Seven: Seeing the Holy Lands with New Eyes