Divine Wondering–The Art Therapy Journal No.2

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What Is Art Therapy?

Hey there,

So I’ve completed Trimester 1 of studying Art Therapy, whilst navigating all that includes as a full-time student surviving lockdown (Victorian, Australian gal right here). There have been zoom classes, so much coffee, and deliriously-late nights writing essays. My mind has been blown, been sent into a spin, and there may have been a couple of tears shed. 

If I was to label this first stretch of this journey, I’d probably call it:

‘The Big, Fat Pondering of what Life is...also, what does ‘Art Therapy’ even mean?’

I know–starting with the small and simple. And if you’re still confused, that’s okay, stick with me and hopefully over the next 3 years we can figure it out together. 

To understand the concept of ‘Art Therapy’ there needs to be some understanding of the idea of therapy in a broader sense. The PACFA (Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia) defines therapy as an interpersonal relationship between a client and therapist ‘for the purpose of resolving problematic behaviours, beliefs, feelings, and related physical symptoms.’

The idea is that by creating a safe place for individuals, therapists are able to walk with people on their journey of self-awareness, hopefully resulting in positive changes in their lives. Beautiful, right? Traditionally, in the sector of mental health, this has looked like sit-down sessions with predominantly verbal processing. 

Art Therapy is taking this conversation within that safe space and adding in the elements of visual, auditory, and physical processing. Making art basically engages all 5 senses (taste may be debatable but I’m going to leave it there because accidentally eating paint happens more often than you may think). So now you not only have ONE way to process the intricacies of life trapped in your mind, but various ways!

No, you do not need to be an artist. In fact, no you do not need to have any prior experience with art materials to engage. Yes, it is super versatile and not hyper-specific in any way, anyone can do it for any reason! Yes, it is a beautiful way for people to connect with their emotions and express them. No, you don’t need to initially understand what you have created (most times the process of making it is the potent part). Yes, anything and everything you create is worthy regardless of how ‘pretty’ you feel it is. I would also wager that new skills will be developed as you engage with the materials. 

Simply put, Art Therapy is a safe/creative relationship, made to embark on a journey of self-awareness while engaging in art-making. I don’t know about you, but the thought of that makes my heart just a little happy. 

So how does God fit into all this? Or more-so, how does ‘Art Therapy’ fit into a world laced with His grace?  

As I’ve delved into the big topics of wellness, life, experience, trauma, and art I’ve found myself so often calling out to God for His heart and guidance through it. The opinions and beliefs out there surrounding these deep concepts are endless, and they can become a never-ending maze if you let them. 

But the truth is that ‘Creator’ is one of Abba’s names. He’s the OG Artist, Father, Counsellor, and friend. All creativity and art reflects him, and engaging in process to bring new understanding and awareness to our lives is not a new concept to him. In fact he created it and loves it! 

He has made relationships to be beautiful, safe, and healthy. He loves people connecting and inspiring each other to create, supporting, and helping each other to shoulder the burdens of this life. It seems to me, a great Art Therapist would reflect those aspects of Abba and how he’s invited us to be. 

In a perfect world therapists maybe wouldn’t exist and our structures of fellowship, friends, and family would suffice as healthy and balanced support systems. More often than not though, that just isn’t the case. And I think that’s okay. The elements that are required to build those systems aren’t simple or easy, and I could argue that there are plenty of aspects to our world that are dismantling rather than offering the tools for it.  

It’s only recently in Western society that Art Therapy has been given the attention it deserves. However, art being used for restoration, healing, and creativity being a point of connection, is a tale as old as time itself (you can start at Genesis 1:1). 

God is offering us the tools all the time and often in surprising ways. Art Therapy is one of those tools! I’m beyond excited because I really believe God is inviting us into restoration, connection, creativity and life. As individuals, as families, and as whole communities. 

So. Good. 

I believe that’s all for now. Thanks for chipping a little off the iceberg of Art Therapy with me. I hope this brought some kind of clarity surrounding the beautiful mystery of it all. 

If you have any questions, thoughts or ponderings I’d love to connect with you.

With love and in peace,



Divine Wondering–The Art Therapy Journal No.3


Pillars of Presence