Santo Collective

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The Firmest of Foundations

My hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus Christ, my righteousness;

I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;

All other ground is sinking sand,

All other ground is sinking sand.

A wise, old hymn that still rings true today is one of the clearest manifestations of God’s prevailing timelessness. While uniquely tethered to history and past disciples through things like this hymn, we are all ultimately trying our best, with what we got, to build our own individual lives based on all the information, expectations, and dreams we collect over time. Sometimes that input comes from God, other times, not so much.

Luke 6 likens a person that hears God’s words and acts on them to a man whose house withstood storms and flooding because he built his home on rock foundation. Adversely the person who hears and does not act is compared to a man whose house is destroyed immediately because he does not lay a foundation at all.

I don’t know about you, but the times that I’ve attempted to rely solely on my faulty strengths and unreliable, human drive, I’ve been left with nothing but disappointment and void. My attempts at success and conquering paled in comparison to the richness that God held out–a depth of beauty miraculously clothed in grace and humility. Without His fingerprint and Spirit collaboration in my life, I was left with a feeble attempt at creativity. You see, why would you build without the ultimate builder teaching you? Or why create solo when the most creative is freely offering up his guidance, ready to lead by example in the most tender of ways? He has a blueprint already for your house.

As I break that all down, I would be remiss to exclude that more often than not we are being tempted to do this all by ourselves on the daily. To make a name for ourselves. Center our steps on the tangible, instantaneous, worldly goals that are right before our eyes. It’s way easier to climb the career ladder for personal glory and a higher paycheck than to imagine how God will use that to further his kingdom. It doesn’t always make much sense, at least by the world’s temporal standards. 

Timothy Keller says, “If you love anything in this world more than God, you will crush that object under the weight of your expectations.”

We may be ‘try it to believe it’ kinda people, but we also are ingrained with a deep need for something greater and more whole to place our bets on. Our lives are built to bear witness and if we’re not aware, very suddenly they can be centered upon a thing that has zero capacity or intention to be in loving relationship with us. Before we know it, our heavenly gifts are wasted on small, superficial things. Yup, inanimate things, that maybe provided a minute of gratification. But what is that compared to the lifetime-and-beyond promise we’re being offered by the Timeless One? This painting was commissioned by faithful followers that dared to hold on to the daily reminder that only in Christ will solid footing be found–where home is most firmly found.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What are you currently building your house upon?

  2. Who are you currently creating for?

  3. What is God speaking to you at this very moment after reading this devotional?


Make one small, earthly shift in your head, heart, or actions to signal to yourself that you are constructing a house that is built on God’s solid ground (maybe it’s as simple as incorporating a brief re-centering prayer into your day, perhaps it’s spending less time on social media, maybe it looks like giving thanks differently, or creating a piece of art that is a daily reminder, etc.). Do not underestimate your steps of effort, there are grander implications then you know. 

Peace be with you brothers and sisters.