Santo Collective

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Divine Wondering–The Art Therapy Journal

And So We Begin

Hey there! 

My name’s Micky, I’m an Aussie girl and Art Therapist-in-training. Other labels I claim are: artist, coffee enthusiast, sister, flower and tree-admirer, writer, nostalgic, daughter, playlist-constructor, avid reader, and self-proclaimed ‘soup chef’– just to name a few. 

I’d love to invite you along as I begin my degree in Arts Therapy. 

I almost applied to this exact course about 3 years ago, however at that time felt God say to put it on the back burner… since then I’ve worked various jobs, developed my artistry, and been around the globe a couple times for ministry. 

In some ways I feel I’m coming full circle as I now step into this thing God put on my heart so long ago, and I can’t help but see how He’s orchestrated moments in my life to lead me to this one. 

I’ve always loved creative things, and for as long as I can remember have been spellbound by the feel of a paintbrush in my hand. I have spent most of my life grappling with the profound mystery of creativity and my place in it. I’ve looked around at the intricacies of God’s creation and been baffled(and wildly intimidated) at the thought of trying to reflect His artwork in mine and, in turn, have been humbled at the opportunity of it. 

My journey with art has been far from perfect, at best. I’ve spent sleepless nights chasing the heels of inspiration, and then countless months where I have laid my creative implements down in frustration, abandoning my passion and skill to less complicated life things. Only to find myself slinking back to the table to try again later. 

I have found healing in a messy(and supposedly divine) process of art-making with Jesus by my side, and been drawn into deeper intimacy with Him because of it. 

This intrigues me so. This connection between creativity and spirituality, art and healing, the Creator and created.

The studies that have been done surrounding art-making and the healing of trauma are ground-breaking, and that is an area I find myself consistently drawn to. Embarking on this study will provide me with an array of skills and understanding to be able to work alongside people in their healing process.

I’m beyond thankful to be entering into this season of learning with God and by the end of this I should have a piece of paper with my name on it. However, the life-changing part is the pilgrimage to get there, and the adventure beyond. 

So! Now that I’ve given you some context, welcome to the The Art Therapy Journal. I invite you into this space, my mind, once a month, as we start to explore what this all means. 

And if anything else? At the very least, may we end up with more valuable questions on our lips to take to Abba. 

With love and in peace, 
